Waxing Your Way To Freedom
Now for an essential but seldom talked about beauty topic: waxing. Almost everyone has let their brows grow out a little too long, or put on a cute new sundress only to be immediately reminded that you didn’t shave your legs. Shaving is a pain to keep up with, and playing Twister in the shower to make sure you don’t leave any awkward patches is tiring. In this post, I’m going to convert you all into diehard waxers, and provide some tips on how to approach your waxing appointments.

Many people are put off from waxing because they think it’ll hurt too much, or the idea of a stranger getting that up close and personal isn’t so appealing. Which is understandable. However, professional waxers won't be intimidated by a hairy underarm or if your brows are a little out of whack. Waxing has a ton of pros and is way more manageable in the long run so it can’t hurt to give it a try. (Metaphorically speaking, of course. Expect a tiny sting.)
Tip 1: Grow Your Hair Out (Let It Grow, Let It Grow)
In order to get the most out of your waxing, you’re going to have to go into untamed territory. While I’m sure the idea of growing your hair out for a couple weeks isn’t appealing to most, it’s a necessity to leave some length so the wax has something to attach to. It’s best to wait 3 to 4 weeks between appointments for best results.
Tip 2: Don't Shave Between Appointments
This is related to the first tip, and just as important. While it may be tempting, if you want to get the best effects from your waxing hold off on shaving between appointments. Waxing pulls the hair out at the root, leaving a smooth surface. Shaving, however, bluntly cuts the hair which causes it to appear darker and thicker when regrowing. While it may be difficult to ditch your razor, if you skip out on shaving between waxes your hair will grow in much finer and eventually be less noticable between appointments.
Tip 3: Give Yourself A Little TLC
It’s good practice to lightly exfoliate and moisturize the day before a waxing appointment. Exfoliating can clear off any lingering dead skin that the wax may cling to, giving your waxer a cleaner slate to use. However, make sure you tread lightly and avoid anything too intense that may cause irritation to your skin. The day of your appointment, stay away from moisturizing or doing anything that may inhibit the wax from performing properly.
Tip 4: Eliminate The Ouch Factor
Worried about the pain? Feel free to take an Ibuprofen or Asprin beforehand. These won’t affect the outcome of your appointment and can give you some peace of mind.
Tip 5: Let Your Aesthetician Know Of Any Medications You’re Taking
Certain medications can affect your skin sensitivity and texture. Make your waxer aware of any medications you’re taking (including topical medicine) in the event that one of them may cause extra irritation or swelling.
Follow these 5 easy steps and you'll be a waxing convert in no time. Preparing for appointments makes your overall experience that much more relaxing and beneficial. Now, here are some pros as to why waxing as a form of hair removal beats out shaving every time.
Longer Lasting Effects and Better Appearance Between Appointments
Like I mentioned before, shaving with a razor cuts hair bluntly, which is what leaves a dark shadow and stubble. Waxing, however, pulls hair out at the root so there’s nothing leftover to ruin your baby soft skin.
Like Fine Wine, Waxing Gets Better With Time
Waxing damages the tiny hair follicles (in a good way) so over time, hair growth diminishes and the pain lessens. The more consistently you choose waxing over shaving, the finer your hair grows in. So if you make the full transition from shaving to waxing, you’ll have less noticeable growth between appointments. However, like I mentioned above, shaving between appointments will set this back.
Less Irritation
Constantly shaving isn't great for your skin, and if you're have sensitive skin, it can lead to irritation and dryness. Waxing is much easier on your skin and won't leave you with any nicks or cuts.
Faster and More Convenient
Remembering to shave weekly is a pain. Being able to wax your hair off in one go is a much better alternative. No one loves to being out and public and realizing they forgot to shave their legs that week.
What Side Of The Waxing/Shaving Debate Are You On?
So, if you’re sick of shaving and want something a little more manageable, waxing is the way to go. Shaving at least once a week is time consuming and only looks perfect immediately after you step out of the shower. Getting waxed takes less time, holds up much longer, and leaves you with smoother skin in the long run. Cutting myself shaving in the shower once a week versus a quick little sting and weeks worth of smoothness? I’ll take those odds any day.
If you want to make your life a little smoother (no pun intended, I swear…) and are interested in booking a waxing appointment, give Oliver’s a call at (610) 366-8808 or book online.